How do I find an article in a journal through HCTC libararies databases such as EBSCOhost?

How do I find an article in a journal through HCTC libararies databases such as EBSCOhost?


Check out this tutorial for basic searching in EBSCOhost created by HCTC Libraries:

The steps to access an article in EBSCOhost are:

  1. Navigate to HCTC Libraries Homepage
  2. Click on the tile for Research Tools
  3. Below databases, select EBSCOhost
    • You will be required to sign in off-campus with your KCTCS email and password (what you use to access Blackboard), only HCTC students, employees, and affiliates have access to licensed library resources such as academic databases
    • If you have any trouble logging in, please follow the steps to troubleshoot the problem at our Troubleshooting LibGuide
  4. From the EBSCOhost link your will be directed to a list of links for our EBSCOhost subcollections. Read the descriptions to select the collection most relevant to your topic or check all boxes to search all the collections. 
  5. You will be directed to the advanced search page for that subcollection or group of collections. Enter your keywords into the search boxes. Farther down the advanced search page you can limit by full text access (full article) as well as type of resource (magazine article, newspaper article, dataset, etc.)
  6. On the results page you can narrow your search further using the options on the left side of the results screen
  7. Click on an article title to access the item


  • Last Updated Sep 03, 2023
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Evelyn Hudson

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